How to improve your relationship with your mother-in-law and how is it related to making ravioli?

How to improve your relationship with your mother-in-law and how is it related to making ravioli?

Many people suffer from strained and tumultuous relationships with their mothers-in-law. So, is it even possible to improve a relationship with a mother-in-law? Is the "ravioli method" possible and effective?

It's hard to answer this strange question without resorting to a mother-in-law joke. It is also impossible to start a mother-in-law joke without deciding if the mother-in-law is from the husband's side or the wife's side. After all, you only have one mom, but every marriage system creates two mothers-in-law (depending on how many times you've been married...) What's great about mother-in-law jokes is that they always seem universal.

So, let's start with two examples:

A husband and wife argue frequently. After a fight, the wife calls her mom and complains: "I can't handle arguing with him anymore. I'm coming to stay with you for the weekend." Her mom replies gracefully: "Have you lost your mind, my dear? If you really want to teach him a lesson, let me come over to your place for the weekend."😎

Another scenario involves a wife consulting her husband: "It's my mom's birthday. I asked her what she would like as a gift, and she said any electrical appliance would be good. Do you have any ideas for what to buy her?" "What do you think about a chair?" the husband replies. 💺/🪑

After that comedic interlude, it's time to try to solve the puzzle in the title.

We all know that the relationship with the mother-in-law is complex. Countless articles have been written about the complicated relationships with mothers-in-law, who are always central figures in married life. A lack of chemistry with the mother-in-law can lead to marital disputes, divorce, or even the severing of ties between children and their parents under the pressure of the suffering spouse. There are even psychologists whose specialty is couples in crisis due to an unhealthy relationship with the mother-in-law. 

We want to offer a new, perhaps slightly humorous, worldview for solving problems in the relationship with the mother-in-law.

Anyone familiar with the biblical story of Jacob and Esau knows that at a certain point, after Jacob bought the birthright from Esau and fled for his life, he returned to Canaan and prepared for a dangerous encounter with his brother. He prepared in three ways: with a gift, with prayer, and with war.

Jacob meet Esau

It's the same with the mother-in-law: We suggest buying her heart with a gift, praying that she'll love it, and if not, you can always continue arguing.🎁

So, if your relationship with your mother-in-law started off on the wrong foot, why not fix it with a thoughtful gift that will earn her appreciation and melt her heart?

So, let's go with the idea of an electrical appliance 😊. An innovative device that saves time in the kitchen, improves performance, looks expensive enough but won't break the bank. If your mother-in-law enjoys spending time in the kitchen, she can showcase her skills by making beautifully uniform ravioli. She'll enjoy the gift and the compliments she'll receive after using it. It's a win-win.

Why not give it a try?

Buy a ravioli-making machine now and reconcile with your mother-in-law over a wonderful Italian meal with ravioli and wine. You can't and shouldn't argue forever.

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